Roman Countryside

Roman Countryside

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Part 2: Gelato city

Saturday I returned to the city of gelato, hitching a ride in the big blue van, once again holding on for dear life as we whipped around turns, barrelled down dirt roads and stopped inches before the car in front of us. But not to worry, Sandro assures me that he has never been in an accident and that it would be impossible for him to get in one. It was a lazy visit to the city as the hot, hot day had me constantly searching for shade and a place to sit. Before I even got out of the car I was already soaked in sweat so you can imagine my state at the end of the day. (I really need to buy those oil face wipes). I spent most of the day eating, but that’s nothing new. I began my day at a small resturaunt near the Vatican where I enjoyed my favourite panini-proscuitto and mozzarella, and a delicious frozen cherry drink. From there I made my way to the piazza navona after sitting under a tree for a long time, reading my book and being asked constant questions by passing tourists. At the piazza I sat at a streetside cafĂ© and ordered a bottle of red wine (yes a whole bottle just for moi) and a roman style artichoke…so very tasty! I sat in silent reverie, thanking the Lord with every bite I took. Upon leaving my waiter stopped me and asked me something in 100mph Italian and then modified to half English, half 50mph Italian when he saw my confused face. He asked me something along the lines of-do you want to get a drink with me later? He wanted to meet me much later hat night but I would already be long gone…back at the bottom of our small mountain. O well. Going on the waiter’s advice, I went to a small shop where I bought lots of pasta and of course another bottle of wine…a dry merlot. There were so many different kinds of pasta to choose from so I ended up getting a rather random assortment-from wheat linguine and multi-colored penne to chocolate sphaghetti. After paying for half of the store, the shopkeeper offered me a complimentary taste of the most delicious liquour (a creamy mango, peach). Over our mango liquors he asked me what I was doing in Rome and where I was staying. When I told him that I was living in Fara Sabina, he told me, all jokes aside, that I should live with him in Rome. And when I politely refused, because who says yes to that, he insisted that I come visit him at the shop the next time I come in to Rome. Hmm maybe not. From there I was once again too hot to walk for too long so I found myself at another streetside resturaunt where I ordered a plate of assorted grilled vegetables, o and another glass of wine. Breaded and grilled to perfection-eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, onions and my favourite, red and yellow peppers. If there was one word to describe Italy it would be DELICIOUS. Saturday night I came back exhausted and proceeded to pass out in my bed for a small nap. One thing about life here is that I never, ever have trouble sleeping. As soon as I lay down, exhaustion takes over and I ease into dreams.

Theres more coming I promise…


  1. Hi Erin,
    Your techno-savy aunt took a while to figure out how to respond. I love reading your blog. You should consider a career in writing. I am so happy you're having such a great time. Food and wine seem to be a constant theme in your writing. Not too shabby. I get confused though as to who is who. Sandro vs Mateo and who do the kids belong to. Do any women live there? Rome sounds amazing and you are so gutsy to stroll around by yourself. I was never that adventurous. You describe the scenery so well that I can picture it in my mind. I would love some olive oil if you can get it home. The men in rome must be loving it when you visit. What happened to the grad student from the plane? Well I love you and love checking every day for your latest adventure and now that I know how to respond, I will. Chiao(if that is correct) Love you Bella. Aunt Kathy

  2. Hi aunt Kathy! Im glad you like reading it...I love writing it! Sandro is the man who I am living with and Massimo and Lino are his sons. Matteo is his friend who is a chef who comes over to help and sleep here often. Nope no women, but he does have an adorable old neighbor, Rossanna who visits a lot. Yes, I can definitely get olive oil, I just need to get over to Sandro's friends house and figure out how to ship it. Haha Rome isnt too scary...just like any other city except in this city half the people cant understand me ! I never ended up meeting the grad student again, it was just too hard to coordinate something. Ciao and love you too!

  3. haha if I could teleport you food I would!
