Roman Countryside

Roman Countryside

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Beautiful People

The other day I met the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I'm not speaking of physical appearance, although in her many years she is very beautiful with crew-cut silver hair and eyes that seem to know everything. She exudes confidence and ease and speaks her mind easier than anyone I know. She is rough, and yes she is tough and she isn't afraid to yell jovial curses at Sandro when he is late for his deliveries. I can't really explain why I like this lady so much but she is the kind of person that I want to know. I feel that I could learn something from her.

All the people here are wonderful. The other day I was invited inside the house after running with the boys and I sat at the table with the mother and her son Gianpoalo who is studying english in school. We had a conversation half in english, half in italian about my school, running, President Obama and how Gianpoalo likes just about every country except Afghanistan. He is a seriously funny kid. They gave me a delicious bright red drink (which of course I forget the name of) and before I left they made sure to give me a present of chocolate peanuts, which I devoured in a day (chocolate is my weakeness). They insisted that Sandro and I come for dinner next week so I will be treated to a delicious home-cooked pasta meal and of course, delicious wine.

Tabaldo (probably not spelled right) and his family live in town and own a gorgeous greenhouse just up the rode from Sandro. They too are the most wonderful people and Tabaldo loves trying out his english words. When he figured out the name for pope, he would point at the distant lights and yell "there's the pope", and yesterday on the way to the music he called for me and Sandro "lets go brothers!". Haha I told him to use "guys" instead so for the rest of the night he would call "andiamo guys!".

The mother of the veterinarian (who is the father of the bike riding boys), affectionately called nonna which means grandmother, is an absolute sweetheart and she gives us fresh tomatoes from her garden and brings me water before I head off for my runs. And Aurelio, o Aurelio. He is the oldest man I have ever seen but has a spirit that never wanes. He always smiles when he sees me and informs me everytime that he can speak four languages (arabic being one of them), but of course he can't speak english...except bye-bye! He is the man I will buying the lovely olive oil from and the wine and fresh figs and fruit he brought me as a present were incredibly delicious and juicy.

It seems that Sandro knows everyone. We will be sitting outside at the bar and every person that comes in or drives by gets an "auuu-oooo!". It would be so nice to have such a close-knit village. Maybe someday.

Bouna Notte

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