Roman Countryside

Roman Countryside

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

So much to do!

Buon Giorno!

So its a week and a half before I leave for Italy and Im working on getting everything ready for the trip. It still hasn't really hit me that I'll be in Rome in weird. I'm a little nervous about the the language since I don't know any Italian and the guys on the farm only speak broken english, but Ive been doing Rosetta Stone 24/7. Learned some good words so far: 1. caffe-coffee (very important), cane-dog (almost as important) and puttana-bitch (expletives are always useful). Hope that's good enough to start off with! So I called today to confirm my flight and the stupid computer told me that my tickets were for LA! I cant imagine going to the airport and finding out that I was headed to LA...that would suck...especially after the NBA finals. So thankfully, Im all set to fly out on the 3rd and Ill be in Rome on Sunday morning :) I dont know what Im most excited for-meeting the people on the farm, drinking amazing wine all the time, or being in Italy during the world cup. I am a teeny bit nervous about traveling by myself-I love airports but there's just so much going on-pretty confusing. And everyone keeps telling me about the creepy italian men. haha I hope I blend in so I won't get harassed! Anyways keep reading for more updates...Ill start writing once I get to Italia!

viva bene, ami molto, risata spesso,

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